dijous, 12 de gener del 2012

Travel/journey/trip/expedition/safari/ cruise/voyage

What is the difference between these words all concerning travel:

Travel/journey/trip/expedition/safari/ cruise/voyage 
  • Journey describes travelling from one place to another over a considerable distance. That's why in the test sentence we are talking about is a three day journey
  • Trip is often travelling to a place and coming back the same day and so it is not usually long. You are staying in a hotel on holiday and the travel company representative will organise trips to places of interest and you will come back to the hotel that day for your evening meal. 
  • Tour describes travelling from one place after another over a period of days/weeks and visiting various towns/cities and in the end coming back to where you started. This is also a word used on the internet sometimes described as a virtual tour when you are shown a series of pictures describing the site you are looking at.