dimarts, 10 de gener del 2012

For Intermediate students

I came across this site which is very interesting for intermediate students to improve your oral skills. As it is well known, speaking is always a problem for English students. Dominic Cole suggests many tips to improve your speaking.  

One of the most common problems for IELTS candidates is not having the opportunity to practise speaking simply because you live in a country where there are few chances to speak English. Reading and listening are easy enough, you can find books or internet sites. For writing all you need is someone to send your writing to. But speaking? Well, I’ve a suggestion for you. It may sound mad, but it isn’t – learn to speak to yourself. Let me explain why it can work and how you can do it. I’ll also try and give you a few practice ideas so that you can make it work for you.

Read more: Find your perfect IELTS speaking partner | Dominic Cole's IELTS Blog