dissabte, 28 de maig del 2011

Great Books

Recommended Books!

_London. Ed. Oxford

_New York Café. Ed. Oxford
_One-Way Ticket. Ed. Oxford

_The elephant man. Ed. Oxford
_Voodoo Island. Ed. Oxford

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011

Writing tips - Writing a letter

Letter generator is an online tool that can help us to write both personal and business letters.

Prepositions of time (AT, IN, ON)


From English Exercises comes this useful worksheet to revise the comparatives.

Remember that when an adjective is short (it has one syllable or two syllables and ends with -y ) we use the -er to make the comparison and then we use the word than which means (que). Look at the example:

Sara is taller than Maria.
Sara es más alta que María.

Sara is funnier than Maria.
Sara es más divertida que María.

If the adjective is long (it has two or more syllables), we use MORE + adjective + THAN

Look at the example:

Maria is more beautiful than Sara.
Maria es más guapa que Sara.

Now do the activities, remember that in that wonderful site englishexercises you can find more activities to revise lots of aspects about grammar and vocabulary.

dissabte, 14 de maig del 2011

Objects in the house

From A Clil to Climb comes this series of vocabulary games that will allow us to get familiar and revise the most common objects that we can find in the house.

The series consists of four parts: Objects in the bathroom, objects in the bedroom, objects in the living-room, and objects in the kitchen

Vocabulary Game

Spin and spell is a fantastic online vocabulary game which can help you lower revise (and learn) vocabulary around five topic areas: house, food, clothes, animals and transport.


Click on the picture of an object and you will hear the pronunciation of the word you have selected. Then, choose the letters that form that word. You will be able to hear the way the letters you choose are spelt, so the game also helps us consolidate the pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet.

When you have finished choosing the letters of the word, click on 'submit' and the game will tell you whether the word is correctly or incorrectly written.

Have fun!

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2011

Modal verbs- Should, shouldn't, mustn't

I invite you to do these activities to review for your next test about modal verbs. Good luck!! :)

a New Vocabulary game

Ací teniu un joc per aprendre vocabulari. What's in the bag? Què hi ha a la borsa? Quan cliqueu en el botó start eixiran tres paraules que descriuen l'objecte que s'hi troba dins la borsa. Després heu de prémer el botó continue i sortiran tres objectes dels quals un és el hi ha inside the bag.

A Fantastic Day Learning English!

Campus Moragete on PhotoPeach