diumenge, 17 de febrer del 2013

Present perfect

St George International School published new series on their blog to tackle basic grammar points. 
In order to revise the present perfect, go through this poster and read the explanations given.

It is an engaging fun way of learning and revising the present perfect. 

So, what do these sentences really mean…?

1. I haven’t bought lemonade since 2003.

2.I haven’t tasted sweet lemonade for almost 10 years!

There is a continuing period of time from 2003 up to now, where he did not drink any lemonade. He is thinking about the past and the present together.

If he was only thinking about the past (and NOT THINKING ABOUT THE PRESENT AT THE SAME TIME) he would say…

PAST SIMPLE: drank lemonade in 2003
(This is a finished action that is not connected to the present time. He drank that lemonade and it exists no more)

Compare with….
PRESENT PERFECT: haven’t bought lemonade since 2003. (He is thinking aboutall the time from 2003 until now, 2012)

Now, watch this Video story The Queen and her butler where the differences between the present perfect and the past simple are dealt with.


Q = Queen
J = Jeeves

Q: Jeeves, have you polished my crown today?
J: No, Madam. I’m afraid that I haven’t had time to do that yet.
Q: WHy not? Then please tell me what have you done this morning?
J: Well, let me see. I got up at 5am and then the first thing I did was to iron your newspaper.
Q: Good.
J: Then at half past five I took your corgis for a walk. Then at 6 o’clock I took Prince Philip to the bathroom.
Q: Quite right.
J: From 8 until 10, I was cutting out pictures of Prince Harry from the newspapers… for the family album, of course.
Q: Oooh.
J: But then I discovered something in the palace.
Q: Yes, yes. What was it?
J: Well, Madam it is a rather delicate matter. I’m afraid to say that your beloved doggies have done their “toilet business” all over the royal throne.
Q: Oh no!
J: So, Madam, that is why I haven’t cleaned your crown yet. And may I ask your Highness, what have you done this morning? Did you meet the Prime Minister?
Q: No, Jeeves, no. I left the palace at quarter to eleven to go and open a supermarket… and I’ve just arrived back.
J: Well, Madam, you have definitely had an extremely difficult morning.
Q: Indeed, indeed.