diumenge, 19 de juny del 2011

A new site for learning English

és una pàgina molt interessant perquè ens ofereix molts recursos per aprendre anglès de forma lúdica. Podreu escoltar cançons, vore trailers de pel·lícules, les notícies etc. a més a més hi ha activitats on comprovareu el vostre nivell. Feu un cop d'ull i ja hem direu què vos pareix!

dimecres, 15 de juny del 2011

A new site for learning English

A news website where you can read and listen many short news stories. The stories that Go Go News covers aren't difficult. Try it, you will discover new interesting things. Keep in touch with the whole world!!

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

Useful Grammar

I recommend you this Grammar edited by Oxford University Press. Here you will find the explanations of basic structures in English and also many exercises. You can also check your answers because there is a version with keys. I think that it is very useful to buy a grammar if you want to continue studying English.
There are many levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. Choose your best!